Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow, Snow, and more SNOW!!!

I'm getting to type this because we are snowed in. Normally, we're off to church by now, but with 12 inches of snow on the ground, we're not going anywhere. Snow started falling late Friday, and lasted most of Saturday. Church is canceled, yet the newspaper still came! We spent yesterday playing inside, eating snow candy, and going out in the snow once. Mom wanted to make a snowman, but this snow is a powdery snow, so we can't go sledding or make a snowman for a couple days...

Hope you all are avoiding the sicknesses!


1 comment:

Katie said...

I want to see pictures!!! We haven't had a big snow at all this winter...maybe a couple inches at a time, but nothing big like you! You lucky kids! Take some pictures and send 'em on to us!!!